Sunday, March 28, 2010

Story O' Day: I'm Marrying a SuperStar

He won't admit it of himself, but Andrew Ruth is a super star.  This guy goes above and beyond all calls of duty, it's almost ridiculous.  But that is not a complaint on my part, no.  I am purely thankful  and excited to be this star's wife. 

This stardom of Andrew's is no new hat.  He's owned it since before we met.  This good looking guy always had the best moves on the dance floor, the most school spirit leading cheers from the stands, the most convincing sales pitch on the Gospel truth or cars or idea-of-the-moment, the most caring heart for his huge family and large schools of friends, the most brilliant thoughts and studious capabilities, and a fun-loving soul that can't help but evoke smiles and laughter from anyone within earshot.  That's my superstar, Andrew.

This superstar loves me incredibly well.  My first birthday that we celebrated as an official couple, he arranged a camping trip with me and my closest friends.  What was intended to be car-camping turned into a camp site that was 2 miles up the mountain, off the beaten path.  Andrew miraculously found his way up the dark mountain with no directions, and hauled 80 pounds of food, ice, and gear to create the best birthday party I've ever had.  My Eagle Scout boyfriend built a huge fire, pitched our tents, and proceeded to cook all 9 of us a delicious meal of hobo pies (pockets of aluminum foil, filled with ground beef, veggies, and sauces that ends up tasting like a wonderfully sloppy meatloaf).  The fun didn't stop with dinner.  Andrew insisted that his birthday girl have a cake, and so he baked me a cake in a dutch oven over the fire.  He not only iced that cake, but even made ice cream in zip lock bags to go with it!!  All of that after only a few months of dating!  What a guy?!

Today, he reached a new level... I got sick beyond words last night while at dinner with some of my girlfriends.  Upon receipt of my complaining text message, Andrew offered to leave his homework duties and drive downtown to bring me medicine.  I was too sick to say no, and he arrived just in the nick of time to drive me home to recover.  Today, Sunday morning, rolled around and I was still too sick to move 20 steps.  So Andrew, being the superstar that he is, went to church without me to perform all of my duties there.  Now, he is there every weekend with me, as my right-hand man, making my life easier.  But for him to go without me today, in my stead, nearly baffles me.  His work didn't stop at the church.  He returned to my house afterward, geared with 4 types of gatorade, saltine crackers, and two movies to aid in my recovery.  That's my superstar.

This guy, Mr. Andrew David Ruth, shows me the love of Jesus Christ in more ways than I can count, or express to you in these little story blogs.


  1. wowzers! so sorry you were so sick, but thank goodness your superhero was there to save the day!

    love you and see you soon : )
