Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Story O' Day: One Day Without Sleep

my eyes rise from behind my computer screen , as the sun breaches the horizon.  my gaze falls like rays on the beauty of creation and my heart stirs as my energy slumps.  this creation is no globe but she is becoming my world.  twelve pages down.  two to go.  many an all-nighter decorates my academic resume, but this is a first. this is my first job all-nigher and it is my first all-nighter in a church.  you see. last night was my favorite all-time all-nighter.  a phone call yesterday afternoon. a novel idea. Claire's studies also required an all-nighter. so we decided to join one another in our scholastic vigil.  vigil is most appropriate as the agreed upon locale for our all-nighter was the sanctuary of her church.  spectacular. what a better place to do homework than a church.

work and time passed quickly between lingering glances and coy smiles.  theological papers flow like love letters. 

around four, Claire settles beautifully into a couch and falls peacefully into sleep.  dave matthews repeatedly sings over her, "i wonder this, 'could tomorrow be any more wondrous than you sleeping.'"

and so it was that Claire and i worked through the night at a small table in the back of her church.  as i finish this night without sleep, i would stay awake another three days to sit at that table and steal smiles across a sleepy circular table. 

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